
Free Download Mac Address Changer Xp Updated

Free Download Mac Address Changer Xp

A free tool to alter MAC address

Technitium MAC Address Changer is a gratuitous and popular system utility tool that lets yous alter the MAC unique address of your Wi-Fi and LAN network adapters. Designed for Windows, the software provides various additional features that let you configure the network adapter. It also offers presets such that yous can hands switch between unlike configurations without much effort. The software is gratis to download and is suitable for both beginners and advanced users.

What is Technitium Mac Address Changer?

All network adapters have a MAC or Media Access Control address. This address is unique and has many different purposes. When you lot try to connect to a network, it may check the MAC address before giving y'all access. In instance the network deems your adapter to be unsafe, you might non exist able to connect. An easy solution is to modify the MAC ID of your adapter using a tool like Technitium MAC Accost Changer.

The free software lets you change the address of your adapter with just a click. It also has a clean interface that ensures fifty-fifty beginners can employ it without any hassle. This program provides detailed information about each automobile's Network Interface Bill of fare (NIC) that is hard-wired with a unique MAC accost. It sets a new accost to the NIC so users can bypass the original and work with the one randomly generated.

Spoofing MAC addresses isn't difficult when you lot utilise this tool. Every machine has a NIC, and this NIC has a MAC accost assigned past the manufacturer. Windows drivers use this accost to connect to a Wi-Fi or LAN network. This software helps you bypass diverse security measures by changing this address to one that y'all enter manually or have the i generated at random.

Does the app have a simple interface?

Ane of the best parts about Technitium MAC Address Changer download is that it features an organised interface with just three taps. All of these tabs incorporate features that let you change the address of the  MAC, have better control over your IP address, and configure various additional network settings. The software also has an data tab that shows information about the device, configuration ID, hardware data, active connections, original MAC address, updated accost, and current status of TCP/IPv4/6.

What are the features of Technitium MAC Accost Changer?

Technitium MAC Accost Changer features enhanced network configuration options and presets, along with IPv6 and IPv4 back up. It lets you brand changes to the address of the network adapter, select a preset from a range of different presets, update the network card list, and switch betwixt different configurations with a click. The app works well on all 32 and 64-scrap Windows computers.

How does Technitium Mac Address Changer work?

When you lot open the Technitium MAC Address Changer app, the first affair it does is cheque your figurer and identify the MAC ID of each adapter. Apart from this, the software also checks the name of the manufacturer, the maximum speed of the network, and other such information.

In improver to this, information technology offers a manufacturer's list, and so users who wish to get an address specific to a manufacturer aren't disappointed. Choosing a manufacturer lets users generate a MAC accost used by the company; once y'all're happy with the outcome, merely click on "Change Now" and the piece of work volition be one. Y'all can too change the address back to what it was by clicking on the "Original" icon.

Can the MAC address be changed permanently?

While there's no solution to irresolute the MAC address permanently, Technitium MAC Accost Changer lets yous update the address apace and effortlessly. The software lets you make the address persistent, delete previous adapters, configure proxies, and connect to an Ethernet Network.

Is Technitium Mac Address Changer bachelor for costless?

Technitium MAC Address Changer is freeware and doesn't evidence any advertisements. Information technology is a feature-rich application that lets you alter the accost of your network adapter anytime you want. In example you desire to check out some alternatives before committing, you should explore apps like Free IP Switcher, My WiFi Router, and Wireless Network Watcher.

Is the Technitium Mac Address Changer any good?

When connecting to a network, yous may face up trouble with the MAC address associated with your LAN or Wi-Fi network adapter. In case you wish to spoof the address and configure the network, you should download Technitium MAC Address Changer. The free tool has an easy-to-apply interface and has several other utilities for advanced users.


Technitium MAC Address Changer half dozen.0.7 for Windows
File size:
2.21 MB
  • Windows ten,
  • Windows seven,
  • Windows 2000,
  • Windows 8,
  • Windows Vista,
  • Windows XP,
  • Windows 2003,
  • Windows 98
Available languages:
  • English,
  • High german,
  • Spanish,
  • French,
  • Italian,
  • Japanese,
  • Smoothen,
  • Chinese
Appointment added:
Midweek, January 20th 2016



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Free Download Mac Address Changer Xp

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